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The word Sphinx from the Greek word shingo sense of suffocation or shpingein sense of linkage strongly and this for the Sphinx Greek and had taken the name on the rest of the statues of the Sphinx deployed in the Arab world and Egypt on the one hand specifically because of the similarity of physical between him and the Sphinx Greek , and the After all , the construction of the Great Sphinx at Giza in Egypt, the Greek much already , and the meaning of the Sphinx in our language comes from Arabic great thing or the incredible big and as Asitoratna today divide between the Greeks and the Pharaohs , we will start Bolhma Sphinx Sphinx The reason and called in Arabic , the Sphinx : And the Sphinx old called when the Pharaohs (b Bouhol ) The Pharaohs call the crater , which by the Sphinx ( Bur about) any house around , and when it came the French to Egypt were telling him that his name ( Bohol ) because they do not pronounce character ha then a character finally to ( Sphinx ) . And now most of the Western world stands for Sphinx Abu Sphinx of Egypt , or as they call the Great Sphinx because the oldest and the largest and most famous of the Greek , and I've re- discovery of the sphinx of the western world when the passage of Napoleon in Egypt in 1798 , and there 's many very sphinxes and around the world , mostly in Egypt and Giza Sphinx represents the head of the Egyptian king wearing his cap decorated with a smiling head and a lion's body and some of them I'm considered the goddess of Egyptian sun ( Ra ) and is thus represents strength and wisdom and was a symbol of the strong presence of Egypt for centuries , But there is another kind of Egyptian sphinxes and be in the form of a ram and is continued for another god ( Amon ) Sphinx Sphinx The Itchy Phoenicians and Greeks set up statues resembling the Sphinx . But they winged their heads as head of a woman, and was told that he Jeriven and this was the object suffocates its victims and from here came the label, that this object is the result of mating and beasts of monsters Greeks are Typhoon Typhon ( object with 100 head of Sam and killed by Zeus himself ) and Echidna ( an object that has the head of a beautiful nymph and the body of a giant snake ) . And the atomic Akidna other objects of erotic horror , including: seven Nemea , Cyprios , to Edwin , Alcamira , and Hydra .